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Tractor Maintenance and Use

Tractor Maintenance and Use


No matter how huge, powerful and tough your tractor may seem, itā€™s the tyres really that take a beating on the field. But, itā€™s only when you take good care of your tractor, that you reduce the wear and tear on the tyres.

So be sure to give them both a daily visual inspection. Watch the video for the basics on tractor and tyre care:

  • What to look out for in your daily inspections
  • Tips on load carrying
  • How often to check oils, fluid, water and batteries
  • How to keep your tractor and its parts clean
  • Preventive tips to prolong the life of your tractor and tyres

Tyre Maintenance & Use

Tyre Maintenance & Use


Maintaining the right tyre pressure, based on the load youā€™re carrying and the surface you're working on, is vital to improve the performance and service life of your tyres.

Working with incorrect tyre pressures have a detrimental effect on your tyres, so it's vital to check your tyre pressure ever so often, and calibrate it based on working conditions.

This video simplifies the key aspects:

  • The relationship between tyre pressure, fuel efficiency, ride quality and weight distribution
  • When to raise or lower tyre pressure
  • Identifying signs of wear and tear
  • Tips on prevention and repair

Mounting & Demounting Farm Tyres

Mounting & Demounting Farm Tyres


It is important to practice the right mounting and demounting procedure, and follow the right safety protocols identified in the video.

  • Checking rim and tyre compatibility
  • Steps involved in mounting and demounting tyres
  • Deflating and re-inflating tyres to the right working pressure
  • Using the right tools and safety gear




Appropriate storage of agricultural tyres ensures they ride safe, and achieve their anticipated service life. Stored in unsuitable conditions, tyres and tubes may suffer premature wear. This can be avoided.

So, how can you protect your tyres from dirt, light, temperature and harmful liquids? And do you store them horizontally or vertically? The video has all the answers.


Inflating Farm Tyres

Inflating Farm Tyres


The riskiest activity with regard to the use of farm tyres - for users and experts, is inflating the tyres. But adhering to the right procedure, using the right tools, safety gear and safety protocols go a long way in keeping you and your investment safe.

Watch the video for:

  • A step-by-step guide to mounting and inflating farm tyres
  • Following the right inflation pressure recommendations
  • Safety gear and safety protocol

Liquid ballasting

Liquid ballasting


Liquid ballasting, is commonly used for agricultural tyres to increase vehicle stability and traction, using the additional weight to simultaneously lower the center of gravity and reduce slipping.

The video indicates when and why liquid ballasting is used, the water and salt mix recommendations and the precautions to keeping in mind.


Liquid Ballasting Procedure

Liquid Ballasting Procedure


This video lays out the procedure for liquid ballasting in simple steps, the tools youā€™ll need and the safety protocols to follow. It also alerts you to how liquid ballasting impacts your tyres.

While it is recommended that tyre professionals undertake liquid ballasting, you can do it too, provided you have the right tools and follow the right procedure.
