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CEAT Rides 100-Year History to Global Success

Sun, 15 Sep 2024 | PRODUCTS


CEAT, the flagship company of RPG Enterprises, was established in 1924 in Italy. Today, CEAT is one of India’s leading tire manufacturers and has a strong presence in global markets.

CEAT Specialty, which markets Ag, OTR, industrial and forestry tires, entered the North American market seven years ago. The company has steadily been gaining market share thanks to outstanding product quality and customer service.

CEAT achieved the distinction of being the first tire brand worldwide to be awarded the “Lighthouse Designation” by the World Economic Forum, recognizing its Halol plant in Gujurat. Additionally, it is the 1st tire brand worldwide to have earned the prestigious Deming Grand Prize from JUSE (Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers).

Headquartered in Mumbai, CEAT has six state-of-the-art, technologically advanced manufacturing plants and contributes to the global agenda of sustainable development through its innovative R&D centers at Halol and Frankfurt, Germany.

CEAT produces more than 41 million high-quality tires annually, serving both domestic and international markets, including 2-3 wheelers, passenger and utility vehicles, commercial vehicles and off-highway vehicles.