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Thank Farmers this Thanksgiving

Sat, 23 Nov 2024 | PRODUCTS


Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in food, and it’s a great time to reflect on where all that food comes from. It’s also an opportunity to consider the connections between the local and regional farming communities and the national food system.

Here’s a look at some Thanksgiving staples:

Turkey: While turkeys are raised all over the United States, Minnesota is the top turkey-producing state. If you’re eating turkey for Thanksgiving, there’s a good chance it was raised in Minnesota, or in other large turkey-producing states like North Carolina or Arkansas.

Sweet potatoes: North Carolina is indeed the leader in sweet potato production in the U.S., so many of those mashed or candied sweet potatoes on your table may have come from there. Other states like Mississippi and Louisiana are also big producers.

Cherries: Wisconsin is a major producer of tart cherries, especially in the Door County region. Tart cherries are often used in pies and other desserts, so if you’re enjoying a cherry pie, it’s possible those cherries came from Wisconsin.

Pecans: Georgia is the top producer of pecans in the U.S., so many of the pecans used in pies or as a topping may have come from the Peach State. Texas and New Mexico also produce large quantities of pecans.

In the 1950s, Kiwanis International and the National Farm-City Council put forward the idea of establishing a special week to recognize farmers, since many consumers were becoming so removed from the farm. In 1956, Congress declared the week of Thanksgiving to be National Farm-City Week, in order to recognize that urbanization isn’t possible without farms. The week is celebrated around the country with farmer appreciation lunches, farm tours, classroom activities and more.

It's a great time to think about food sourcing and the role the Ag industry plays in the food we enjoy during Thanksgiving. We at CEAT Specialty Tires salute our farmers and ranchers for their hard work, dedication and skill in bringing bountiful food to our Thanksgiving table.