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Telehandler Tires in USA
  • check-iconTYROCK SUPER X3 features a specially designed tread with heavy center mass for heavy-duty service.
  • check-iconExtra-deep tread with heat and cut-resistant compound for resistance to cuts, chips, and increased durability.
  • check-iconSuitable for backhoe loaders and compact loaders in various digging and loading operations in industrial applications.
  • check-iconLarge wide center lugs for excellent ground contact, stability, and self-cleaning properties.

Features & Benefits of Tyrock Super X3 Tires


Specially designed tread with heavy center mass

Suitable for heavy duty service


Large Wide Center Lugs

Good Stability Self-cleaning


Extra Deep Tread with special compound

Resistance to cuts and chipping Higher durability


Telehandler Tires in USA
  • check-iconTYROCK SUPER X3 features a specially designed tread with heavy center mass for heavy-duty service.
  • check-iconExtra-deep tread with heat and cut-resistant compound for resistance to cuts, chips, and increased durability.
  • check-iconSuitable for backhoe loaders and compact loaders in various digging and loading operations in industrial applications.
  • check-iconLarge wide center lugs for excellent ground contact, stability, and self-cleaning properties.

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Table of Specifications

    • Sizes
    • Type
    • LI/SS
    • PR
    • RIM
    • SW
    • OD
    • SLR
    • Flange Height
    • SC
    • RC
    • SRI
    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 27X8.5-15
    • TL
    • 112 A2
    • 6
    • 7JA X145
    • 218
    • 693
    • 310
    • -
    • -
    • 2060
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 440/80-24
    • -
    • 149 A8
    • 12
    • W15Lx24
    • 438
    • 1310
    • 590
    • -
    • -
    • 3805
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 17.5L-24
    • -
    • 146 A8
    • 12
    • W15Lx24
    • 445
    • 1252
    • 560
    • -
    • -
    • 3700
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 18.4-24
    • -
    • 155 A8
    • 12
    • W16Lx24
    • 475
    • 1375
    • 612
    • -
    • -
    • 4116
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 19.5L-24
    • -
    • 151 A8
    • 12
    • W17L
    • 495
    • 1335
    • 592
    • -
    • -
    • 3880
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 15-19.5
    • TL
    • 144 A2
    • 6
    • 11.75X19.5
    • 382
    • 1025
    • 440
    • -
    • -
    • 3040
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 23X8.5-14
    • TL
    • 94A2
    • 4
    • 7JA X14
    • 205
    • 598
    • 270
    • -
    • -
    • 1780
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 43X16.00-20
    • TL
    • 133 A2
    • 4
    • W14Lx20
    • 400
    • 1100
    • 470
    • -
    • -
    • 3270
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 10.5/80-18
    • TL
    • 125A8
    • 8
    • W9X18
    • 280
    • 910
    • 400
    • -
    • -
    • 2700
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 12.4-16
    • TL
    • 106A8
    • 4
    • 10LBX16
    • 308
    • 940
    • 410
    • -
    • -
    • 2790
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 400/70-20
    • -
    • 144 A8
    • 16
    • W13x20
    • 395
    • 1075
    • 492
    • -
    • -
    • 3228
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 440/80-24
    • -
    • 142 A8
    • 8
    • W15Lx24
    • 438
    • 1310
    • 590
    • -
    • -
    • 3805
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 17.5L-24
    • -
    • 139 A8
    • 8
    • W15Lx24
    • 445
    • 1252
    • 560
    • -
    • -
    • 3700
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12-12
    • TL
    • 100 A2
    • 4
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 307
    • 648
    • 300
    • -
    • -
    • 1920
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 18.4-28
    • TL
    • 157 A8
    • 12
    • DW 16 L
    • 472
    • 1475
    • 620
    • -
    • -
    • 4380
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 27X8.5-15
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 112 A2
    • PR 6
    • RIM 7JA X145
    • SW 218
    • OD 693
    • SLR 310
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 2060
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 440/80-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 149 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 438
    • OD 1310
    • SLR 590
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3805
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 17.5L-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 146 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 445
    • OD 1252
    • SLR 560
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3700
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 18.4-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 155 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W16Lx24
    • SW 475
    • OD 1375
    • SLR 612
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 4116
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 19.5L-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 151 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W17L
    • SW 495
    • OD 1335
    • SLR 592
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3880
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 15-19.5
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 144 A2
    • PR 6
    • RIM 11.75X19.5
    • SW 382
    • OD 1025
    • SLR 440
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3040
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 23X8.5-14
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 94A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 7JA X14
    • SW 205
    • OD 598
    • SLR 270
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1780
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 43X16.00-20
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 133 A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM W14Lx20
    • SW 400
    • OD 1100
    • SLR 470
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3270
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 10.5/80-18
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 125A8
    • PR 8
    • RIM W9X18
    • SW 280
    • OD 910
    • SLR 400
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 2700
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 12.4-16
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 106A8
    • PR 4
    • RIM 10LBX16
    • SW 308
    • OD 940
    • SLR 410
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 2790
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 400/70-20
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 144 A8
    • PR 16
    • RIM W13x20
    • SW 395
    • OD 1075
    • SLR 492
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3228
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 440/80-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 142 A8
    • PR 8
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 438
    • OD 1310
    • SLR 590
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3805
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 17.5L-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 139 A8
    • PR 8
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 445
    • OD 1252
    • SLR 560
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3700
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 100 A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 307
    • OD 648
    • SLR 300
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1920
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 18.4-28
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 157 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM DW 16 L
    • SW 472
    • OD 1475
    • SLR 620
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 4380
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes
    • Type
    • LI/SS
    • PR
    • RIM
    • SW
    • OD
    • SLR
    • Flange Height
    • SC
    • RC
    • SRI
    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 27X8.5-15
    • TL
    • 112 A2
    • 6
    • 7JA X145
    • 8.6
    • 27.3
    • 12.2
    • -
    • -
    • 81.1
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 440/80-24
    • -
    • 149 A8
    • 12
    • W15Lx24
    • 17.2
    • 51.6
    • 23.2
    • -
    • -
    • 149.8
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 17.5L-24
    • -
    • 146 A8
    • 12
    • W15Lx24
    • 17.5
    • 49.3
    • 22
    • -
    • -
    • 145.7
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 18.4-24
    • -
    • 155 A8
    • 12
    • W16Lx24
    • 18.7
    • 54.1
    • 24.1
    • -
    • -
    • 162
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 19.5L-24
    • -
    • 151 A8
    • 12
    • W17L
    • 19.5
    • 52.6
    • 23.3
    • -
    • -
    • 152.8
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 15-19.5
    • TL
    • 144 A2
    • 6
    • 11.75X19.5
    • 15.0
    • 40.4
    • 17.3
    • -
    • -
    • 119.7
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 23X8.5-14
    • TL
    • 94A2
    • 4
    • 7JA X14
    • 8.1
    • 23.5
    • 10.6
    • -
    • -
    • 70.1
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 43X16.00-20
    • TL
    • 133 A2
    • 4
    • W14Lx20
    • 15.7
    • 43.3
    • 18.5
    • -
    • -
    • 128.7
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 10.5/80-18
    • TL
    • 125A8
    • 8
    • W9X18
    • 11
    • 35.8
    • 15.7
    • -
    • -
    • 106.3
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 12.4-16
    • TL
    • 106A8
    • 4
    • 10LBX16
    • 12.1
    • 37.0
    • 16.1
    • -
    • -
    • 109.8
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 400/70-20
    • -
    • 144 A8
    • 16
    • W13x20
    • 15.6
    • 42.3
    • 19.4
    • -
    • -
    • 127.1
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 440/80-24
    • -
    • 142 A8
    • 8
    • W15Lx24
    • 17.2
    • 51.6
    • 23.2
    • -
    • -
    • 149.8
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 17.5L-24
    • -
    • 139 A8
    • 8
    • W15Lx24
    • 17.5
    • 49.3
    • 22
    • -
    • -
    • 145.7
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12-12
    • TL
    • 100 A2
    • 4
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 12.1
    • 25.5
    • 11.8
    • -
    • -
    • 75.6
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 18.4-28
    • TL
    • 157 A8
    • 12
    • DW 16 L
    • 18.6
    • 58.1
    • 24.4
    • -
    • -
    • 172.4
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 27X8.5-15
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 112 A2
    • PR 6
    • RIM 7JA X145
    • SW 8.6
    • OD 27.3
    • SLR 12.2
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 81.1
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 440/80-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 149 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 17.2
    • OD 51.6
    • SLR 23.2
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 149.8
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 17.5L-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 146 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 17.5
    • OD 49.3
    • SLR 22
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 145.7
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 18.4-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 155 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W16Lx24
    • SW 18.7
    • OD 54.1
    • SLR 24.1
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 162
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 19.5L-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 151 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM W17L
    • SW 19.5
    • OD 52.6
    • SLR 23.3
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 152.8
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 15-19.5
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 144 A2
    • PR 6
    • RIM 11.75X19.5
    • SW 15.0
    • OD 40.4
    • SLR 17.3
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 119.7
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 23X8.5-14
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 94A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 7JA X14
    • SW 8.1
    • OD 23.5
    • SLR 10.6
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 70.1
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 43X16.00-20
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 133 A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM W14Lx20
    • SW 15.7
    • OD 43.3
    • SLR 18.5
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 128.7
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 10.5/80-18
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 125A8
    • PR 8
    • RIM W9X18
    • SW 11
    • OD 35.8
    • SLR 15.7
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 106.3
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 12.4-16
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 106A8
    • PR 4
    • RIM 10LBX16
    • SW 12.1
    • OD 37.0
    • SLR 16.1
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 109.8
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 400/70-20
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 144 A8
    • PR 16
    • RIM W13x20
    • SW 15.6
    • OD 42.3
    • SLR 19.4
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 127.1
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 440/80-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 142 A8
    • PR 8
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 17.2
    • OD 51.6
    • SLR 23.2
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 149.8
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 17.5L-24
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 139 A8
    • PR 8
    • RIM W15Lx24
    • SW 17.5
    • OD 49.3
    • SLR 22
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 145.7
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 100 A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 12.1
    • OD 25.5
    • SLR 11.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 75.6
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 18.4-28
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 157 A8
    • PR 12
    • RIM DW 16 L
    • SW 18.6
    • OD 58.1
    • SLR 24.4
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 172.4
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

More Telehandler Products



    • Exellent Traction
    • Improved puncture protection
    • Higher radial and lateral stability


    • Improved product life
    • Maximum stability
    • Resistant to tearing and cracking


    • Resistant to cut & chipping
    • Good stability & self cleaning
    • Suitable for heavy duty service


    • Uniform load distribution & puncture protection
    • Carcass strength and load carrying capacity
    • Additional lateral stability


    • Better traction and grip
    • Carcass strength and load carrying capacity
    • Additional strength prevents stub penetration


    • Uniform load distribution
    • Carcass strength and load carrying capacity
    • Additional lateral stability


    • Heavy duty service
    • Excellent traction & puncture resistant
    • Heavy duty service


    • Superior traction
    • High load carrying capacity
    • Resistant to cutting and tearing