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Trailer Tires in USA
  • check-iconDelivers larger footprint and lower compaction owing to its flatter crown width
  • check-iconThe pattern of interconnected grooves is designed for better self cleaning and rounded shoulders ensure less damage to soil and crops.
  • check-iconSteel belted construction promises puncture and stubble damages making the tire durable as durable as ever

Features & Benefits of FLOATMAX RT Tires


Rounded shoulder

Less damage to soil & crops


Directional Lug

Higher traction, Comfortable ride


Interconnected grooves

Better self cleaning properties


Robust Centre Blocks

Low noise and smooth run on hard surface


Flatter Crown Width

Larger footprint, lower compaction


Steel Belted construction

Puncture and stubble damage protection


Trailer Tires in USA
  • check-iconDelivers larger footprint and lower compaction owing to its flatter crown width
  • check-iconThe pattern of interconnected grooves is designed for better self cleaning and rounded shoulders ensure less damage to soil and crops.
  • check-iconSteel belted construction promises puncture and stubble damages making the tire durable as durable as ever

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Table of Specifications

    • Sizes
    • Type
    • LI/SS
    • PR
    • RIM
    • SW
    • OD
    • SLR
    • Flange Height
    • SC
    • RC
    • SRI
    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 580/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 166D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 577
    • 1318
    • 592
    • -
    • -
    • 3996
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 710/50R26.5 RT
    • -
    • 172D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 710
    • 1383
    • 630
    • -
    • -
    • 4188
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 710/50R26.5 RT
    • -
    • 170D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 710
    • 1383
    • 628
    • -
    • -
    • 4171
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 560/60R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 161D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 543
    • 1244
    • 561
    • -
    • -
    • 3810
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 385/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 164D
    • -
    • AG11.75
    • 389
    • 1072
    • 491
    • -
    • -
    • 3183
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 385/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 164D
    • -
    • AG11.75
    • 389
    • 1072
    • 491
    • -
    • -
    • 3183
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 560/60R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 165D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 543
    • 1244
    • 561
    • -
    • -
    • 3810
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 580/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 166D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 577
    • 1318
    • 592
    • -
    • -
    • 3996
    • 625.0

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 600/50R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 159D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 611
    • 1172
    • 532
    • -
    • -
    • 3479
    • 550

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 500/60R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 155D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 503
    • 1172
    • 530
    • -
    • -
    • 3500
    • 550

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 650/55R26.5 FT
    • -
    • 178D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 645
    • 1389
    • 633
    • -
    • -
    • 4220
    • 650

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 560/45R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 152D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 543
    • 1076
    • 493
    • -
    • -
    • 3279
    • 525

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 600/55R26.5 RT
    • -
    • 165D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 620
    • 1336
    • 608
    • -
    • -
    • 4050
    • 625.0

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 650/50R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 163D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 645
    • 1230
    • 559
    • -
    • -
    • 3725
    • 575

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 580/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 166D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 577
    • OD 1318
    • SLR 592
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3996
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 710/50R26.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 172D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 710
    • OD 1383
    • SLR 630
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 4188
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 710/50R26.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 170D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 710
    • OD 1383
    • SLR 628
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 4171
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 560/60R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 161D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 543
    • OD 1244
    • SLR 561
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3810
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 385/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 164D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG11.75
    • SW 389
    • OD 1072
    • SLR 491
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3183
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 385/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 164D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG11.75
    • SW 389
    • OD 1072
    • SLR 491
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3183
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 560/60R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 165D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 543
    • OD 1244
    • SLR 561
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3810
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 580/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 166D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 577
    • OD 1318
    • SLR 592
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3996
    • SRI 625.0
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 600/50R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 159D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 611
    • OD 1172
    • SLR 532
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3479
    • SRI 550
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 500/60R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 155D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 503
    • OD 1172
    • SLR 530
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3500
    • SRI 550
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 650/55R26.5 FT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 178D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 645
    • OD 1389
    • SLR 633
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 4220
    • SRI 650
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 560/45R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 152D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 543
    • OD 1076
    • SLR 493
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3279
    • SRI 525
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 600/55R26.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 165D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 620
    • OD 1336
    • SLR 608
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 4050
    • SRI 625.0
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 650/50R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 163D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 645
    • OD 1230
    • SLR 559
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 3725
    • SRI 575
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes
    • Type
    • LI/SS
    • PR
    • RIM
    • SW
    • OD
    • SLR
    • Flange Height
    • SC
    • RC
    • SRI
    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 580/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 166D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 22.7
    • 51.9
    • 23.3
    • -
    • -
    • 157.3
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 710/50R26.5 RT
    • -
    • 172D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 28.0
    • 54.4
    • 24.8
    • -
    • -
    • 164.9
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 710/50R26.5 RT
    • -
    • 170D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 28.0
    • 54.4
    • 24.7
    • -
    • -
    • 164.2
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 560/60R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 161D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 21.4
    • 49.0
    • 22.1
    • -
    • -
    • 150.0
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 385/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 164D
    • -
    • AG11.75
    • 15.3
    • 42.2
    • 19.3
    • -
    • -
    • 125.3
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 385/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 164D
    • -
    • AG11.75
    • 15.3
    • 42.2
    • 19.3
    • -
    • -
    • 125.3
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 560/60R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 165D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 21.4
    • 49.0
    • 22.1
    • -
    • -
    • 150.0
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 580/65R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 166D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 22.7
    • 51.9
    • 23.3
    • -
    • -
    • 157.3
    • 625.0

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 600/50R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 159D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 24.1
    • 46.1
    • 20.9
    • -
    • -
    • 137.0
    • 550

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 500/60R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 155D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 19.8
    • 46.1
    • 20.9
    • -
    • -
    • 137.8
    • 550

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 650/55R26.5 FT
    • -
    • 178D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 25.4
    • 54.7
    • 24.9
    • -
    • -
    • 166.1
    • 650

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 560/45R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 152D
    • -
    • AG16.00
    • 21.4
    • 42.4
    • 19.4
    • -
    • -
    • 129.1
    • 525

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 600/55R26.5 RT
    • -
    • 165D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 24.4
    • 52.6
    • 24.0
    • -
    • -
    • 159.5
    • 625.0

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 650/50R22.5 RT
    • -
    • 163D
    • -
    • AG20.00
    • 25.4
    • 48.4
    • 22.0
    • -
    • -
    • 146.7
    • 575

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 580/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 166D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 22.7
    • OD 51.9
    • SLR 23.3
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 157.3
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 710/50R26.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 172D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 28.0
    • OD 54.4
    • SLR 24.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 164.9
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 710/50R26.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 170D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 28.0
    • OD 54.4
    • SLR 24.7
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 164.2
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 560/60R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 161D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 21.4
    • OD 49.0
    • SLR 22.1
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 150.0
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 385/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 164D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG11.75
    • SW 15.3
    • OD 42.2
    • SLR 19.3
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 125.3
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 385/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 164D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG11.75
    • SW 15.3
    • OD 42.2
    • SLR 19.3
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 125.3
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 560/60R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 165D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 21.4
    • OD 49.0
    • SLR 22.1
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 150.0
    • SRI -
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 580/65R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 166D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 22.7
    • OD 51.9
    • SLR 23.3
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 157.3
    • SRI 625.0
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 600/50R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 159D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 24.1
    • OD 46.1
    • SLR 20.9
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 137.0
    • SRI 550
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 500/60R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 155D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 19.8
    • OD 46.1
    • SLR 20.9
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 137.8
    • SRI 550
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 650/55R26.5 FT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 178D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 25.4
    • OD 54.7
    • SLR 24.9
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 166.1
    • SRI 650
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 560/45R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 152D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG16.00
    • SW 21.4
    • OD 42.4
    • SLR 19.4
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 129.1
    • SRI 525
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 600/55R26.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 165D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 24.4
    • OD 52.6
    • SLR 24.0
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 159.5
    • SRI 625.0
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 650/50R22.5 RT
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 163D
    • PR -
    • RIM AG20.00
    • SW 25.4
    • OD 48.4
    • SLR 22.0
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 146.7
    • SRI 575
    • Type -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

More Trailer Products



    • Reduced soil distrurbance
    • Reduced Impact
  • T422 VALUE PRO
    T422 VALUE PRO-Image

    T422 VALUE PRO

    • Reduced compaction
    • Reduced soil disturbance
    FLOTATION TX440-Image


    • Reduced compaction
    • Reduced damage to crops


    • Better traction and grip
    • Low vibration and larger footprint
    • Reduced soil disturbance
  • TR800


    • Reduced compaction
    • Reduced soil disturbance


    • Higher Traction & Low Noise
    • Puncture & stubble damage protection
    • larger footprint, lower compaction
    FLOTATION T422-Image


    • Reduced compaction
    • Higher load carrying capacity
    • Reduced soil disturbance


    • Designed for high-speed agricultural use
    • Extended tire lifespan
    • High load-carrying capacity