
Tips to prevent trailer tyres from perishing or ‘dry-rotting’

Tue, 28 Jun 2022 | PRODUCTS


Because some trailers – those used for transporting grain or silage, for example – are often used only for a certain period of the year, when trailers are parked up inactive for sustained lengths of time their trailer tyres can be subject to carcase deterioration, particularly in the load-bearing sidewalls. If they are allowed to reach this state, their integrity will be compromised, resulting in slow release of air, flat-spotting, carcase damage and the need to replace them before time. To avoid having to make a search before time for trailer tyres for sale and ‘trailer tyres near me’, and searches of trailer tyres’ price lists, follow these few pointers.

Regularly check trailer tyre pressures and top up the air as necessary

One of the primary reasons for sidewall perishing is the gradual loss over time of air from the carcase, which will happen in every sort of tyre. This occurs in an imperceptibly slow manner – unless the tyre has sustained some damage, such as a cut, or has suffered the ingress of a nail or other foreign body into the tyre, in which case it may occur faster. Even if your trailer is parked for a sustained period, ensuring that you check pressures regularly – every month, for example – and topping up with air if necessary according to the manufacturer’s recommended pressures will ensure your trailer tyres retain their carcase shape and, therefore, the sidewalls do not become stressed, which can lead to perishing.

Keep trailers and their trailer tyres protected from the elements

If possible, park your trailer undercover if not in use for an extended period. This will ensure it is protected from weather extremes which can affect the trailer tyres and the rubber compounds from which they are manufactured. Like any other type, trailer tyres parked in direct strong sunlight, for example, may be prone to damage from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. This is not a problem over a matter of a few weeks, but months of such exposure is not advised.

Do not leave a heavy load in a trailer over an extended period

It may sometimes be necessary to leave for an extended period a load of grain in a tipping trailer, for example, or a set of bales on a flatbed. Try to keep this load-bearing to a minimum if possible, and make a point of regularly checking the loaded trailer’s tyre pressures.

Move the trailer to rotate the trailer tyres half a turn if the trailer is unused for a long period

By moving the trailer even just half a metre, rotating the wheels and trailer tyres will help ensure that flat spots do not form on the trailer tyre treads.

If some sidewall perishing is visible, ensure the risk of further deterioration is minimised

Light sidewall perishing does not necessarily impact upon a trailer tyre’s ability to do its job, but it is important that if it has been noted, it is not allowed to worsen. This means following the points

Follow these few tips, and you will be doing all you can to prevent trailer tyre sidewalls from perishing or ‘dry-rotting’ – and that will maximise the time before you next have to search to ‘trailer tyres for sale’ or trailer tyres near me’, or start scanning trailer tyres’ price lists.