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What role do specialist sprayer tyres play in agriculture?

Thu, 10 Mar 2022 | PRODUCTS


When specifying the tyres on a new sprayer, or choosing replacements for the sprayer tyres on an existing machine, take time to consider the benefits of specialist sprayer tyres. A search of the internet for ‘sprayer tyres for sale’ or ‘sprayer tyres near me’ can yield many results, but before you select from a sprayer tyres price list, think about how they can help your farming as a whole.

Protecting the soil and the crop

While most sprayers working in arable crops will be operating on marked-out tramlines, keeping the trafficked area of the field to a minimum, those tramlines may well have to be ripped up again at the end of the season, so ideally the compaction caused to the soil beneath them should be minimal. There may also be times when the slight depression in the field surface created by tramlines retains moisture long after rainfall, so that, while the weather may be good for spraying, soil conditions may not support the sprayer.

It is these factors that make well-designed specialist sprayer tyres an important part of a self-propelled sprayer. The CEAT range of Spraymax VF tyres is specially designed for self-propelled sprayers, andengineered to very high flexion (VF) principles. VF tyres can carry 40% more load than standard units, or the same load as a standard radial but a pressure 40% lower. For owners and operators of self-propelled sprayers, this offers two distinct advantages. If ground conditions are good, the greater load capacity means they can operate at total capacity with a full load of crop protection products, or of fertiliser – which has a heavier specific weight – without fear of causing excessive soil compaction. But if they are operating in more delicate soil conditions – where the tramlines are still soft from recent rain, or when applying pre-emergence herbicides to a just-sown seedbed, for instance – then they can operate at a sprayer tyre pressure 40% lower than that for a standard sprayer radial. The longer and slightly wider footprint this creates helps to maximise the tyre to soil ground contact. As a result, compaction is minimised. Traction is also enhanced, aided by the Spraymax VF’s stepped lug design, which provides better grip and traction. and this also improves fuel efficiency. In addition, Spraymax VF’s rounded shoulders prevent crop damage.

Protecting the load, the environment and the operator

Specialist sprayer tyres also have an important role to play in ensuring the stability of the sprayer. Carcase designs such as that of the CEAT Spraymax VF, which blend rigidity and flexibility and are constructed to withstand high side loadings, provide a high degree of sprayer stability, which is particularly important if the machine has to work across slopes on hilly fields. Greater stability reduces the possibility of the machine tipping sideways, protecting the sprayer itself from damage, the operator from serious injury and the load from the risk of being spilled, with the associated environmental and cost consequences.

Helping the boom stay stable – ensuring crops are treated evenly

There is another reason why the stability provided by a sprayer tyre with a carcase design such as that of the CEAT Spraymax VF, blending rigidity and flexibility and constructed to withstand high side loadings, is important. In addition to machine stability, these design principles help insulate the sprayer boom and its nozzles, from the forces imposed on the machine when working on side slopes.  This plays a part in ensuring even, accurate application, helping to keep the boom steady and the nozzles at a consistent height from the crop.

Ensuring safety on the road

Self-propelled sprayers often have to spend significant time on the road travelling between fields and the farm base, and many are capable of 40- or 50km/hr maximum travel speeds. To ensure a smooth, safe ride, CEAT Spraymax specialist sprayer tyres are designed with a centre tie bar which helps provide good roadability and comfort at speed, and a high non-skid depth which ensures durability and longer life.

Next time you are ordering a new self-propelled sprayer and specifying its tyres, or choosing new sprayer tyres for a machine you already own, think about how these principles apply to the sprayer tyres from which you are choosing. Looking through a sprayer tyres price list, or searching the web for ‘sprayer tyres for sale’ or ‘sprayer tyres near me’,will all be made simpler by bearing in mind the attributes of specific sprayer tyre designs.